Caffè e giornale
Study Italian while having a sweet Italian breakfast and reading the news at Brunetti Classico
About the course
9-week course
1.5 hours per week
When? Every Monday from January 30 to April 3 (excluding Labour day - March 13)
What time? 9.30am - 11am
Where? Brunetti Classico, Lygon Court
Level required? Intermediate or Advanced
How much? $499 (10 Italian breakfasts included)
Sweeten your winter Monday mornings. Enjoy sipping a coffee and discussing the latest news in Italian while munching on your cornetto. The course includes 9 Italian breakfasts at Brunetti Classico. Choose your favourite coffee and enjoy with fresh orange juice and a danish.
Reading and discussing current affairs with your classmates and teacher is an effective way of expanding your vocabulary to speak confidently and fluently. The setting, newspaper and support of your teacher will make your Italian up-to-date and precise.