Our link to Lingopont

The CIS teachers are proud of their contribution to Lingopont’s ground-breaking new publications.

Lingopont is a learning evolution that combines excellence in classroom teaching together with an online system that integrates a sitcom series, an app and textbooks. This ensures that your speaking practise continues outside of the classroom.

An idea takes flight.

Lingopont was created by Elio Guarnuccio, the founder of CIS Educational and Centre of Italian Studies in 1979.

His love of teaching, innovation and IT came together in the creation of this dynamic publishing company and language school. Making the most of the evolving worlds of digital technology, film-making and publishing, Lingopont is a truly unique language learning experience.

The Lingopont team is a combination of experience and youth. It contains enthusiastic and highly qualified people from around the world including teachers, writers, designers, filmmakers, communicators and IT wizards.

Lingopont is also an international community of students and teachers with the aim of opening to new worlds of authentic travel experiences and cultural exploration.

Lingopont presents Tutto bene!

Tutto bene! is an entertaining and comprehensive multi-level Italian language course for beginners, uniquely designed for both the classroom and a high degree of independent learning. Based on a communicative approach, the course comprises a combination of components in a range of media.

The key components for each level of Tutto bene! can be found at lingopont.com